Nichiha Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") recognizes the importance of any information that can be used to determine the identities of its customers as individuals (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information"), including their names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and endeavors to protect the Personal Information pursuant to the following policy.
*"Customers" means those that have purchased or are considering purchasing the Company's products.


The Company intends to use the Personal Information that is provided from its customers for the purposes as set forth below, and endeavors to meet the customers' requests accurately, swiftly, and safely:

  • (1) use for the intended purposes as notified at the time of Personal Information obtainment;
  • (2) use within the scope of the Company's normal business operations such as provision of the Company's products and services as requested by the customers (e.g., when the customers request the Company to deliver products or send catalogues, etc., the Company ships them to the customers based on the Personal Information provided by the customers);
  • (3) use for providing information on the Company's products and services through catalogues and other PR materials, and for gathering information and publishing it in articles, photographs, and other PR materials;
  • (4) use for distributing information and making suggestions on the Company's products and services;
  • (5) use for developing and improving the Company's products and services;
  • (6) use for creating statistical data (in such a manner that no individuals can be identified from the data); and
  • (7) use for enhancing the Company's products and services (e.g., questionnaire surveys, etc.).

In the case of (3) above, if the Company intends to have any customers as individuals featured in an article, etc. for publication, the Company will obtain their consent in advance and will not publish information on any individuals that refuse to give consent.
For each instance the Company intends to use any Personal Information for any purpose not specified above, the Company will notify the individuals the specific purposes of use of their Personal Information on a case-by-case basis, refrain from using the Personal Information without their consent, and only use the Personal Information for the notified purposes.


The Company does not provide the customers' Personal Information to any third parties without obtaining their prior consent, except in the following circumstances:

  • (1) if it is necessary to achieve the purposes as set forth in 1. above (e.g., provision of the customers' Personal Information to a transport company so that the catalogs requested by the customers can be delivered to them);
  • (2) if the information is disclosed in such a manner that the customers' identities cannot be discerned from the information (e.g., disclosure in the form of statistical data, etc.); or
  • (3) if the Company is obliged to submit the Personal Information in response to a statutory request, etc.


The Company endeavors to manage all Personal Information properly, accurately, and safely and implement appropriate information security measures to prevent unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc. so that no Personal Information will be lost, damaged, altered, divulged, etc. In addition, the Company strictly instructs its employees, etc. to securely manage the Personal Information to prevent its divulgement while carrying the Personal Information off the Company premises or transmitting it to outside parties, etc.


For each instance the Company receives from a customer a request to disclose, correct, or take other action on its Personal Information that has been entered into the Company's database (hereinafter referred to as the "In-Custody Personal Data") or a customer's opinion or any other request, etc. concerning the Company's handling of the Personal Information, the Company will respond to the customer's request, opinion, etc. by providing an answer, making the correction, etc. within a reasonable period and to a reasonable extent, after verification of the customer's identity, unless responding to the request, opinion, etc. will significantly disrupt the Company's normal business operations or there is another special ground.


Any customers that intend to make inquiries to the Company for the purposes as set forth in 4. above may send their inquiries to the following contact point.

[Phone number] General Affairs Department: + 81(52)-220-5111
[Phone number] International Sales & Business Development Department: +81(3)-5205-3605
[Reception hours] Weekdays 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

When a customer sends the Company a request to disclose, correct, cease the use of, erase, or take any other action on its In-Custody Personal Data as set forth in 4. above pursuant to Articles 25, 26, and 27 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Company will first provide the customer with a document explaining the procedure, what document to submit, the amount of the fee that the customer is required to pay, etc., which the customer must follow to continue with its request procedure, etc.


As the Company's website may contain hyperlinks to other websites, it is each customer's responsibility to check the terms of personal information handling applicable to, and provided at, each such website.
Each customer must use the Company's website on its sole responsibility. The Company shall be exempted from all responsibilities to compensate for any types of damage that the customers may suffer as a result of other parties' use of any information obtained using the customers' Personal Information on the Company's website or any other websites to which hyperlinks are provided on the Company's website.
The Company may review and revise the foregoing policy from time to time as it deems necessary. Information on each such revision will be notified on this webpage.

Enacted on October 1, 2004.
Revised on October 28, 2016.